Thursday, 16 February 2012

Photographs and Osteopaths

View from the back door
Well, there's certainly been a bit of weather since my last post, hasn't there?  Here in West Norfolk we've been reasonably lucky - very cold, minus 15 at one point, and a fair bit of snow.  However that seems to have cleared from most areas now and I do believe it's warming up a little.  I know the children have had a marvellous time playing in the cold white stuff - but to be honest, I like to see it in the morning, nod, say 'very nice', and then have it gone the next day.  And yet....and yet.....if you don't have to go out in it, and have food and warmth and company indoors, there IS something rather pleasant about feeling snowed in for a day or two, time seems to stand still, routine goes by the board, and it all feels rather special for a while.  Then, of course you start experiencing 'cabin fever' and get desperate for things to be back to normal.  The photo above 'view from the back door' is one my other half J took to send to Number 2 son and his family in New Zealand.  Smallest Grandson was amazed when we showed him a huge snowball on a tin plate when we Skyped them last weekend.
My photography is a poor thing, I need to have a session with Sue who really knows what she is doing with cameras and computers; I will FORCE myself to become, if not proficient, then at least able to take a reasonable 'snap' and upload it to this blog without the mega-drama it is at present. Ooooh this blogging really is a steep learning curve!

Sue has been forging ahead tinkering with the website and facebook account, and she's also designed and organised our business cards.  The logo is the same as our design now heading our blog; a lovely little oval of bunting surrounding free-machine stitched text.  Once we'd agreed colour schemes it was trial and error getting the words centred and evenly stitched - not an easy task when you have such a very small area to work with.  We think it's pretty good, don't you?  She's also been stitching up some more designs to add to her, I guess you'd call it.

Meanwhile I have been whipping up a blue and white quilt top which I will hand quilt very simply. However, whilst chain-piecing the top, I have over-swivelled on my ergonomically designed office chair, and done something to my right sacro-iliac joint, which has left me pretty immobile for the last week.  Soooo painful, my most comfortable stance was bent over at 90 degrees, looking and feeling for all the world like Julie Walter's aged waitress in the Acorn Antiques sketch.  As I stumbled up the kitchen steps, my breakfast tray wobbling wildly the other morning, I greeted a bemused J with the iconic words:  'Two Soupssss?'  (Find it on YouTube, you'll see what I mean.)  So I'm afraid there has been none of this:

very little of this:

And CERTAINLY none of this:

Although a trip to a very able osteopath yesterday morning has improved the sutuation a lot, and I'm very hopeful things will continue improving. What a dangerous sport this stitchery business is, to be sure!  Don't ask me about the sewing machine needle through my finger, the week before..... no!  I said don't ask......or I might have to tell you!  Catch up with us again in our next  -less traumatic I hope - post!